Monday, December 5, 2011

Argument paper- We are too dependent of technology

Hey guys I am almost done. I found that it was harder than I thought it was going to be when finding legitimate evidence for my reasons. Here is my almost finished paper:
Technology is an ever changing trend in society. Over time things change and technology is a major change. Think back to ten to fifteen years ago. There were no iPods of any sort, people still used beepers and pagers, cell phones were just starting to really pick up, the internet was slow and developing, there was no GPS, and the most high tech gaming systems out were Nintendo 64 and PlayStation 2. If you were to mention the words beepers, pagers, Discmans, cassette tapes, or Encarta to kids these days, more than likely one would receive a blank stare. The problem with all this new found technology is that society is becoming far too dependent on it. While technology is quite beneficial it is also causing a hindrance on society and we as human beings.  

            Technology in the classroom is a major topic when it comes to being too dependent on technology. The effects of technology in the classroom are vast. A major impact of reading and writing skills is one aspect of education that faces this technological advance. Students barely have to handwrite any outside assignments anymore. They just type it into word and the program spell checks and grammar checks for them. But the computer does not catch everything and too many students have full faith in the computer to make any and all corrections. Not every correction will be acknowledged by the system. In essence by not having to write it out the student is just causing bad habits for him/herself. And now with all this new technology in the classroom there are many different learning programs used in the classroom. But do these programs really help students? There is some evidence that “learning technology is less effective when the learning objectives are unclear and the focus of the technology use is diffuse.” (Schacter) According to Dr. Martha Stone of the Educational Technology Center at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, “One of the enduring difficulties about technology and education is that a lot of people think about the technology first and the education later.” (Schacter) Especially on those new learning programs on the computer, students are more interested on the widgets and extras than on the reading comprehension. While some of these programs work there is evidence that some do not at all. In a study called “The Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow” (ACOT), three experts analyzed the impact of interactive technologies in five school sites in four different states. The goal of this project was to emphasize the positive use of these technologies in the classroom. What they came to find was that “on standardized tests including vocabulary, reading comprehension… ACOT students performed no better than comparison groups or nationally reported norms who did not have access to computers or to the teaching and learning reforms implemented in ACOT schools.” (Schacter) From these results one can see that it might be more beneficial to go back to the old ways of flashcards and constant reading and writing than to sit in front of a computer screen.

            Another sign of people becoming too dependent on technology is the high stake of multitasking. Everywhere you look people are walking looking down at their cell phone, iPod, blackberry completely enthralled in their technology. While some might say that they get more accomplished when they multitask, there are also many negative effects. For starters their brains are over wired which in return causes more stress. If the technology is used while driving there can be major consequences. A recent study by the Governors Highway Safety Association examined research from more than 350 scientific papers published since 2000. (O’Toole) “Driving distractions, primarily by cellphones and other electronic devices, are associated with up to 25 percent of U.S. car crashes.” (O’Toole)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Black Friday

I will start by saying that I hate Black Friday. Talk about forgetting what Christmas is really about. What Christmas is really about to all those Black Friday shoppers is being one in a swarm of many other nutcases who are up at the ass crack of dawn to "catch a deal". I put that in parenthesis because let's be honest, there were no great deals this year. I understand going through all that for a humungous flat screen or some electronic that would be well worth it to get it at a discount price. What I do not get is going out into that madness to grab some shirts. Yes, I understand it is nice to save money (who doesn't). But to go out so early all crazy in hyper snort to save a buck is nuts. Maybe it's just me though. Hell, if you like doing that every year be my guest. But I would much rather sit at home on my butt relax and decorate the house to get in the spirit or something. And especially to hear in the papers how crazy some people got, I was more than glad to be sitting at home decorating and being outside in the gorgeous weather. Like pepper spray? Really? That woman was clearly out of her mind. And over what? An Xbox? Call me crazy but why would that seem like a logical thing to do?
Crazy people. All I know is that a day after visiting with family and stuffing my face the last thing I want to do is wake up early and shop with about a million other people. If you like to though, more power to you. But be careful because someone might trample or pepper spray you to get to some discounted underwear.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Response to Katherine's "First Thanksgiving, now Halloween? Santa, give it a break!"

How could anyone miss all this Christmas hullaballoo? It's everywhere! I have definitely noticed over the past few years how Christmas advertisements and such have been creeping up earlier and earlier on the calendar. I agree with you completely, it is ridiculous. And like you, I love Christmas and all the traditions and things but I like it in december... around christmas time! Not in november around Thanksgiving and certaintly not around Halloween.By doing all this so early I feel that it actually takes a lot away from Christmas and the season. Let each holiday stay in its perspective month and not advertise it any earlier than that actual month.
It is also completely sending out the wrong message as to what Christmas is all about. It is not about all the shopping and money the stores make. What do we teach our children and young ones about the holiday? That it is about giving and not just receiving, about being with family, and having traditions and such. All this early advertisement is steering everyone away from the real meaning of Christmas. And yeah, if you don't celebrate Christmas, talk about feeling left out. Jeez!

Monday, November 14, 2011


Today when I came home I did what I normally do. I turned on my computer and started checking some emails. One email I came across was from my aunt about bullying. It had to do with a 10 year old girl from Illinois who hung herself this weekend due to being bullied. 10 years old! Are people for real? This child felt so tired of being bullied that she resorted to the only thing she felt was left to do. To kill herself. She can't come back. She chose to end her life rather than live another day going to school and being bullied by her peers. It sickens me, it really does. This is one of the youngest cases of suicide from bullying that I have ever heard. She was just a child. She didn't even get to live, to get past the stupid ignorant people in her school, and to live a great life. This is all becoming way to common. There really needs to be an end to bullying because too many young innocent people are dying as a result.
Whenever I read a story about a suicide from bullying I almost immediately wonder how the bullies feel when they hear the news. Are they ashamed? Remorseful? Do they realize and admit to themselves or others that they are the reason this other child, their peer, is not here anymore. That this child is not coming back? That he/she barely got to live their life. That they took someone from his/hers family. The sad part is I bet a lot of these bullies say to themselves, "It wasn't my fault. Not me. I did not make that person do that." I wonder if it would make a difference if someone said to the bully, "This is your fault. She did that to herself because of your constant tormenting." I wonder if that would have an impact. Would the bully stop bullying?

Monday, November 7, 2011

My father is... (STAR revised)

My father is a very kind and loving man. But, he can also be quite intimidating. Not so much from his looks but from how he comes off sometimes. My father stands at 6 foot 2 with neatly brushed gray hair and clear blue eyes. He tends to have a serious look on his face most of the time, which could very well be why some people find him standoffish and tough looking. I know I do sometimes. But in reality he is the most kind and generous man. He would do anything for the ones he loves.
His intimidation and seriousness might stem from having to fend for himself since he was in his 20's after his parents passed away. I can only imagine how hard and lonely it must have felt to lose both of the people you love the most at such a young age. I know his parents would have been very proud of him. He went to college and proceeded to receive a PhD and to this day works at a very well-known company which I like to refer to as "The Smart People Place". He is super smart. Definitely one of the smartest people I know. Although his smartness can get annoying sometimes he is not the type of person to rub it in to anyone’s face. Rather he uses his brain to help others in any way he can.
My father also has a tendency to be very blunt. Sometimes too blunt but really he is just being realistic. It's funny though because as much as his bluntness gets to me, I am exactly the same way. My father and I are very much alike. We are realistic all the time, sometimes too blunt and honest, sarcastic, stubborn, but also loving and caring people. Some of these reasons are probably why we tend to bump heads the most. Neither of us ever wants to admit when we are wrong but are always ready to yell when we are right and we are always there to help any one out. My father and I being so much alike always makes me laugh a little because I am adopted. I guess it just goes to show that not everything is through genetics but from who you are around.

Monday, October 31, 2011


I figured this week I would write about my observations. This semester I am in New Hyde Park Memorial High School. Let me just start by saying I would not mind student teaching there or getting a job there. This is an English Department that definitely has their stuff together. They are up-to-date with technology and with their teaching. For starters, I compare my experience here with that of last semesters observations. Last semester I observed at Mineola High School. Definitely a very different English Department. In Mineola HS the teachers I observed could have cared less that I was there or acted as if I was more of a nuisance. They were not very open to speaking with me and yet they gave me a mediocre review. First of all, I was there to observe and sit in on group work. Second of all, one word answers to my seemingly harmless questions did not help me in the least. What I do not understand, is why some schools even agree to allow student teachers or observers in their school if they have no plan to help us out? When I go into a school I do not want to waste their time let alone have them waste my time. Sorry I am ranting. To be honest, it was only two out of the five teachers I observed at Mineola that did not act how I expected them to act. The other three were pretty good.
Anyway, back to NHP High School. I love the teachers I am observing. They are all so forthcoming with suggestions and information. The are more than willing to show me different things and answer any questions I have. They treat me like a fellow teacher, with respect. From what I am told by some of my teachers, it seems that they all love the department and get along great. Their department head is great and helps out a lot but is not overpowering. They all feel comfortable in their positions and the students seem to love them as well. Bottom line, I am enjoying my learning at this high school very much.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Creative Writing Piece

Untitled for now. And unwritten for now. For starters I do not like to actually write creative writing pieces for the simple fact that I am not a creative writer. When I read I prefer nonfiction over fiction. So that is probably why I am not a very good creative writer. I have been thinking about what I want to write about and have come up with a pretty good idea of what I want to do. I have scribbles all over looseleaf and am still in the process of figuring out where I want to go with my character and story. I started writing a little and realized, that for me personally, I need to have it all figured out before I start to write. I do want to tell you all a little about it though, but since I do not know which of the three routes I want to take with it I can only tell you so much.
Basically my unnamed male character is in a famous rock band and is performing at a huge show. Throughout the night however he gets to meet and hang out with four of his rock idols. But during this night a few unusual things happen.
As you can see there are many holes in my story and mainly because I do not want to give away too much. In the top three routes I came up with they all have twists so that is why I am only sharing this little. By next weeks blog I will have my whole story to share with all of you.